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Thursday, July 25, 2019

5 Reasons Why You Should Use 30s To 2 Minute Video Snippets For Marketing

5 Reasons Why You Should Use 30s To 2 Minute Video Snippets For Marketing

Helloo, are you still writing long pages and pages of content for your marketing?


It is 2019 & the world ain't got time to read your long posts. Oh, It is not the impending global warming and the ice age that I am speaking about. It is the ever shrinking attention span of an average person. Of course, global warming will wipe out humanity but until then, we have brands to create and value to offer. According to the latest researches, the average attention span of a human is an abysmally low 8 seconds. That is almost 2 seconds shy of Usain Bolt's 100m record.

Well, there are some "Master Shifu"s with inner peace and concentration who can deflect a water drop but they are not our regular customers. Majority of our customers are like Po. S/he has only 8s of time before getting bored about your brand and what you have got to offer. By the time you reach this point in the post, an average customer clicks or swipes away.

So, what should you do to retain the interest of the potential customers? How can we maintain the customer engagement?

The answer is VIDEOS. Short, simple & straightforward videos.

Hmmm... What about other kinds of posts then?

Probably in the Pre-historic times of 2005-2010, verbal content played an important role in keeping the customers engaged on internet. With the proliferation and growth of social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other media that allowed sharing of images, pictures became the king of the jungle. Of course, there is the age-old adage too.

A picture is worth a thousand words!

The period from 2010 was also the beginning of an era in which, we as marketers could connect on a personal level with the customers. Mobile phone penetration and internet accessibility grown exponentially during the past decade.

However, that is all ancient history now! With almost all social media websites enabling sharing of videos, THE AGE OF VIDEOS has truly begun. Today, the user base of video sharing apps is growing exponentially. 

Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok among other portals have taken a huge chunk of this growing video market. As marketers, it is pertinent that we use these channels effectively.  Following are the top 5 reasons why you should use short, informative and interesting videos for your marketing.

1.         Videos use both images and audio hence they connect emotionally

It is everyone's knowledge that videos employ all the media to convey your message. You can use texts to call for action, images to show the amazing results that you can offer, infographics to extrapolate any data that you have and music to connect emotionally with the customers. Inclusion of music in the videos is perhaps, the most rewarding part. Music excites people and helps in conveying the exact message and emotion that you want to send across.  

2.         Videos are easy to create

In today's tech-savvy world, there are many applications for both computers and mobiles through which almost anyone to create a powerful video. Of course, one needs certain experience and expertise to use Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas and the likes for creating videos. However, there are many apps like Doodly, Animoto, Animaker, Biteable, Stop Motion Studio, Videoscribe etc. that are easy to use. 

These apps create powerful and engaging videos that not only grabs the attention of the customer but also keeps them engaged. You can choose to use White board videos, 2D animations, 3D animations, motion graphics, doodle videos etc. These apps also lets you to create a video as per your requirements of size, dimensions and format, so that you can be a dragon warrior, err... I mean a great content marketer in no time. 

3.         Short Videos keep the customers engaged

Short video snippets of 30 seconds to 120 seconds are better at retaining the attention of people. Many people shy away from longer videos even if the content is good & to their liking. Short videos are watched more by people and also remembered more often than longer ones. It has higher chance of going viral and help you to achieve the marketing targets.

4.         Short Videos can convey more in less time

Shorter videos need not necessarily mean shorter message. An experienced content creator can pack even a long message effectively in a short video. By using different tools like infographics, doodles, voice-overs, you can make the videos speak and connect to your potential customers. When coupled with an appropriate background music, your videos can evoke the right kind of emotion in the viewers. It has the power to move people and create the positive effect that you want.

5.         Videos can be shared across multiple platforms

The main problem faced by digital marketers is not the creation of content but the management of content and its interoperability. A post that is made for Twitter will be too small for Facebook and the one that is made specifically for Facebook cannot be used in Instagram or even for Google ads. With Short videos, preferably in square dimensions, you can use it in almost all the social media. So, you no longer have to worry about pipe-lining your content. This also helps you to maintain uniformity across platforms. So, what are you waiting for? Create your own brand video using the following tools.

The above mentioned are some of the reasons why you, as a social media marketer or a brand manager should use small videos of 30 seconds to 2 minutes for marketing.

Do you agree with us?

Do you think there are points that we have left? Comment your thoughts and we will continue the conversation.

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