An individual is defined by the ideology that one holds... So instead of saying who & what I am, I will try to say what my ideology is & who all influenced it.
First of all I was pulled towards this great poet who really made me green! He was proficient in almost 10 languages. I came to know about him due to the abundance of books in my home. We always read poems written by him. Most of them were of the inspiring kind that kindles our emotions seeking for a social change.
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முண்டாசுக் கவி |
சுப்பிரமணிய பாரதியார் was the first stranger who made an impact on me.
Then it was this leader who was called as THE LEADER, Nethaji. He was ready to make sacrifices, he was determined to go ahead the whole world for his beliefs. He was popular, powerful and persuasive. He made thousands to follow him in the fight against the British rule in India. I came to know him in detail by my 4th standard Hindi lessons.
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The real NETA! |
Life went on well for sometime & then somewhere in my 8th standard I was absolutely flattered by this great man's geniuses. Al though (in my views) I might have found the reason for all things falling down back to Earth, I know that he is one of the best in the history!
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NEWest TON! |
Life was filled with fun and Science... Although I read about Leonardo Da Vinci in my fourth standard suddenly he became larger than ever. Thanks to lessons about Renaissance in the History books! Man, how come one be so omnipotent! A versatile, veracious, venerable Vinci man... How come I not be inspired by him..? Although all my other ideals, idols were good at their things, he, our Leonardo was good at everything that I liked!
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The original ALL in ALL AZHAGU RAAJAAH! |
Once during my 10th standard vacation, I went to my favourite (New Century Book House) BOOK EXHIBITION at Dindigul, I found a man wearing a green dress and addressing a crowd... (In a book). He was looking as though he was in rags. I straightaway knew that he was a leftist... First, NEW CENTURY BOOK HOUSE is famous for leftist books. The other is none but a leftist leader will dare to wear such a rag and take pride in being amidst the crowd. There I left the thought of him. PERIOD. Then during my Kerala days I discovered who he was... & in the process discovered whom I was... & What I want. Although I am still discovering myself, I know that he is the one! He is Ernesto CHE Guevara!
Does he need a face?
Other than these immortals there are other great men like
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Kalki Mahaan! |
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Chaanakya Prabhu |
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Ashoka Chakravarthi |