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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Of Blues, Beverages & Show must go on!


Monday blues is not new for anyone in this world regardless of being a school kid, college going teen or a working professional or even a seasoned war veteran. In my opinion, Monday should have been named as Munday instead of Monday for the fact that it brings a lot of mundaneness with it. The quality of Munday being very ordinary or lacklustre may be attributed to another fact that it comes after the Sunday which in turn should have been named as Funday. The Fun that Funday brings with it, even in sleeping and eating is really phenomenal. Anyway, regardless of giving a thousand rationale you still feel lazy to get up & reach to that alarm on a Munday morning. One can assume that a new week brings a new challenge & new people to work with & new surprises but let us face it. For eg. In your own neighbourhood, in your own school & in your own class how many new things are you going to meet? Even if you bump into something new & exciting you will soon realise that “It is the same cake in the new cup”. Speaking of cups, the only cup that you like is filled with tea. You listen to the old tragic Octal hits as it is the only mood that you have.

You somehow push the day & venture into the new day, the Tuesday, which can be called as Twosday as you have successfully came to the second day. You still feel the blue inside you but somehow make the day Useday by doing something that may work. You listen to the love songs of the 70s & 80s and have a glass of milk, hoping that the mood would somehow make you love your work. The thing that you managed to pull on Useday unexpectedly fructifies on the third day and it becomes a Winsday for you. Well, you feel elated that your work somehow worked in the end and so you end the day with a melodramatic list of songs and over a cup Jaljeera hope that you can have a happyday tomorrow.

Tada! There comes the Curseday which more aptly named than any other day curses you right in the morning. As you were happy last night you didn’t realise that you slept very late & to add to your own agony, you even forgot to keep your alarm. So you wake up late, worriedly hurry to wherever you had to be an hour ago. All the while thinking what that one person whom you hate the most in your life would say when s/he sees you reaching late. To your astonishment the place is empty. You feel relieved that you have somehow managed to reach before others or you may even go to the extent to think that, even others had forgot to switch on the alarm and that everyone have overslept. Mind believes what it wants! Anyway within minutes all your day dreams will be shattered as you learn that everyone are returning from the morning break. There you stand in front of others like a flag mast on an absolutely windless day. Adding injury to insult, your work whatever that worked goes awfully wrong! You think why wouldn't the world meet a grave calamity so that everything comes to a standstill as of now and you end up cursing the Curseday. Back in your home you listen to the Spanish & Portuguese songs about the revolutionary heroes of the Latin America over a cup of steaming coffee and immerse yourself in a time that you can only long to be in but never belong to.
Then comes the Fryday, the day that you get fried. You don't know if you can continue anymore or not. You wish you can quit or you would even feel it is better to be fired than to fried in this place. All that makes you to endure is the light at the end of the tunnel or may be just the Fun at the end of the week. You start to think about all the happy people in this world & you suddenly realise that countries in Arabian peninsula & most of the Islamic countries have a holiday on Fryday! You wish you had the Elvish power of magic with you & end the day with golden hits of Elvis. The day fades away slowly in your cup of Chocolate milk.

Somehow you find some new spirit in you as Satireday is going to be the last working day. You get an instant shot of creativity and find a wonderful thing on which you can work on for the next whole week. You start to prepare for it & suddenly you get a satirical response which in reality means NO from the person who is superior to you in the organisation. S/he says that it won't work & assigns you to another task which you neither like nor could do. Again in the afternoon, after the lunch you wish you were a Jewish & could take the Sabbath. You come out of the office in the evening and see everyone going out happily to their home. You slowly surrender yourself to the cup of Tulasi tea and lose yourself in the eighteenth century German composer's magnum opus.

You wake up early in the afternoon on Funday & make up your mind that things will work from next tomorrow. You somehow derive the power to push on from the “Roots of Reggae” & get a crazy idea to wander inside the concrete or complete jungles & take off. You come back to make your plan for the world domination during the week over a cup of a soda that you bought while roaming the jungles & listen to the Elton John version of “Show must go on...”.