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Monday, July 20, 2009

First blog at Blogger.

Well, I am almost an year old in blogging yet I've got only a few (at multiply). I was editing my associations's website ( and suddenly I felt like posting the poem that I wrote a couple of days ago. (Frankly I didnt know abt the BLOGGER... I didnt know that we could sign in with google account...) I was always worried about the long forms that one'd to fill up and the new passwords that one'd to remember. I really love gmail and its one thing which made my life comfortable... (Here I might've sounded as if I am damn busy but in reality whatever the correspondence that I get these days are here only after I signed in gmail. So, to be precise, I was grown up in gmail.)

By the by I will try posting my more sensible things soon.

1 comment:

  1. அடக் கடவுளே! இதப் படிப்பார் யாருமே இல்லையா..? என்னக் கொடுமை சரவணன் இது?


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