Hola! Amigos... A couple of days ago, (To be precise, I should say a couple of nights ago...) I visited my sister who works with Logica pvt. ltd. regarding the new organisation that we are planning to start. I should say that "IT" is the idea of Dhanya(Pronounced as Dhaanyaa). The organisation will act as a rehabilitation/counselling centre for RAPE VICTIMS. As the tradition goes, I was interested in each & every activity that cares for the one who is not cared by many & So, I was happy to work for the cause. Little did I knew that it was going to shift my PoC. Point of Concern. Actually, the truth is that now I am more aligned towards the org. that we are going to form. I am happy that I found a good Secretary for Gnana Deepam Trust in Ram Prasath. The trust activities are "imprinted" in his heart & he works like hell... I mean strives for working... We will clean the Mariana Beach this month. "JU"st about to confirm the date. The TEE Shirts are ordered for the Trust.
The meet with my sister was really good. She mentioned some names(references) & points for the centre. She also shared a lot of her experiences on the related field in all the corporates that she'd worked.
If for some reason the things go on well, we will have a new organisation by December end & it will start its activities by Jan'11. Searching for a GOOD NAME. Anyone? We need a feel good name - Symbolising Safety, Comfortness, Confidence...
But the sad part is I have the same team of about 12 for all the activities. Should build a separate team for the new org. or at least get a bigger team.